First, I got interested in Peter Cizek's article about paparazzi laws. I also explained that I am interested in this issue as I read celebrity blogs and I come across paparazzi pictures everyday. His blog is about media decreasing privacy and paparazzi are definately a contributing factor to this when they invade someone's privacy and personal space.
The second blog I commented on was Baia Dzagnidze's. I wrote about my own experiance with sexting, explaining a Slovak web site similar to Facebook which also features hundreds of pictures of semi-naked or naked children.
Kamila Kinstova's and Myo Ryu' s blogs had similar content like my blog. Kamila is talking about minorities and their portrayal in the media,explaining the Latino issue in the US. Myo had the same topics as I had so I was curious to look at her blog and compare our ideas. I came to a conclusion that we share very similar thoughts about the gender role stereotyping.
The last blog which I commented on was Anton Zolotyh's, and that is primarly because it was about music and I love music, listen to it everyday and share some of his ideas.
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