pondělí 24. května 2010


I have found all the blogs of my classmates very interesting to read. They all had important and interesting information regarding media issues and all given constructive arguments. These are the five that I commented on.
First, I got interested in Peter Cizek's article about paparazzi laws. I also explained that I am interested in this issue as I read celebrity blogs and I come across paparazzi pictures everyday. His blog is about media decreasing privacy and paparazzi are definately a contributing factor to this when they invade someone's privacy and personal space.
The second blog I commented on was Baia Dzagnidze's. I wrote about my own experiance with sexting, explaining a Slovak web site similar to Facebook which also features hundreds of pictures of semi-naked or naked children.
Kamila Kinstova's and Myo Ryu' s blogs had similar content like my blog. Kamila is talking about minorities and their portrayal in the media,explaining the Latino issue in the US. Myo had the same topics as I had so I was curious to look at her blog and compare our ideas. I came to a conclusion that we share very similar thoughts about the gender role stereotyping.
The last blog which I commented on was Anton Zolotyh's, and that is primarly because it was about music and I love music, listen to it everyday and share some of his ideas.

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